Monday, February 18, 2013

three day weekends = bliss

I got more accomplished this past weekend creative-wise than I have in months.  Perhaps it was due to the fact that a friend is expecting a baby soon, and I felt inspired to make a girly gift.  Or maybe it was because I knew I had that one extra day to get laundry and other household tasks finished, meaning more time to sew and obsess over new fabric lines.

It's on these days that I dream about staying home and sewing for a living.  I would love to take classes, improving my clumsy skills.  I would love to wake up in the morning, cup of coffee in hand, as I decide which fabric will be used for my next idea.  I would love the ability to create and earn a living from my own two hands.

But then reality sinks in, and I try not to dwell too much when the alarm goes off, my toes hiding under the covers, the rest of my body unwilling to inch out of the bed.

So, it was a productive weekend.  I was able to complete a baby quilt top using Aneela Hoey's Posy and also decided to make a bib using the same line of fabric.  Then I found this old towel about to be placed into the "rag" pile and thought I might be able to recycle it.  When I moved here almost 14 years ago, I brought some hand-me-downs from home, and this towel was one of them.  Perhaps I can back the baby bib with a little bit of retro?

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